Oh honey,
You are such a beautiful human being. Your heart — it’s the best part about you. It’s your biggest, brightest feature, second only to your smile. You feel like you have so much love to give and continually look for outlets or people to pour it into. Your love is one of a kind. But you’ve been hurt. So many people you’ve given love to just take and take, at the end of the day leaving you exhausted. You deserve someone who not only notices your love, but also loves you with the same conviction you love them.
I know, it feels like you’re bursting at the seams with love. But, you’ve been hurt by that in the past. People continually just take you for granted, and when those relationships end, they realize that everything you did, all the times you listened and all the attention you gave was a form of love. Hindsight is 20/20. Don’t let those people ruin your heart. Everything you do is an act of love and that’s not a bad thing. When those relationships end, it will feel wrong to stop loving them, so you don’t have to. Keep loving them, keep caring about them, but you have to stop caring for them.
Self confidence isn’t your forte. It never has been, but it should be. You can redirect the love you give others towards yourself. Someday, as you’ve found or will come to find, you will be by yourself. You might not have anyone else to love, so choose yourself. You are a worthy human deserving of the best kind of love: your own. Learn to love yourself not because you don’t have anyone else, but because you deserve it.
Finally, don’t let the world get you down. Keep giving your love. Radiate it. Don’t stop. One day you’ll find someone who loves without hesitation just as much as you. Love without bounds.