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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Picture this: You wake up Monday morning and look at your planner. You have work, one to three classes, religious events, clubs, sports, and dinner/hanging out with friends. The problem is, this is your schedule not only for Monday, but for almost every day that week. And somehow you must figure out time for homework and actual rest. I would crawl back into bed right then and there. Honestly, I have, and my day became nonproductive/lazy very quickly. Whoops. Welcome to the crazy life meaning the college life. Where it seems like you have a lot more time because you have less classes, but it is the opposite. Between those classes, you have so much to do and no clue how to do it. If this is you, don’t worry as I am right with you. I struggled hardcore when I first arrived at college. I added a million things to my schedule, and I started procrastinating and feeling tired all the time. However, I didn’t want to take anything out of my schedule to make myself less busy. So, the question is: How the heck do I balance the crazy life? Well, I am going to tell you exactly how I do it.

  • Reward yourself— We people are notorious for working ourselves to the bone and then giving our bodies very limited rest or reward. That is a big no. When it comes to having a busy schedule, you must reward yourself. Whether that is with a fancy Starbucks drink, that super cute top or shoes you have been wanting forever, or just a night where you pamper yourself. I struggle on this front too. Sometimes I forget to take care of myself amidst all the chaos in my life. But when I do reward myself occasionally, it prevents me from getting tired and depressed. Trust me, this will do wonders for all of us.
  • Plan, plan, plan— I mentioned this briefly in my last article; however, this is so important for balancing college and life. If you do not plan out your schedule and activities accordingly, you are going to get lost and feel overwhelmed. Sometimes when you see it all written down or typed out, it helps you grasp everything you need to get done. It keeps you organized and productive. If you struggle with making planning a habit, make yourself get up every morning and plan out your day. Have someone or something to keep you accountable. Soon enough, it will become second nature and your eventful schedule will thank you for it. Making lists and prioritizing your tasks are also very beneficial.
  • Set a routine— If you are like me, setting a routine is difficult because college seems to be ever changing, which it is. However, during the week itself, it can be structured because of your classes, sports, and activities. So set a bedtime for the weeknights and an alarm for the mornings. I know what you are probably thinking, “Madison, I am not 5.” I know that, but trust me, when you set a good sleep routine that will set you up for greatness throughout the day. Make a set time for homework and self-care. Sports, clubs, religious events, etc., what is most important is to keep that routine going. At least during the week. It wouldn’t be realistic for the weekends usually. I don’t even have a routine for the weekends. Anyways, having a set routine will do wonders for your life.
  • Learn your limit— Sometimes, even after creating the perfect routine and schedule, you still feel burnt out. That is completely okay. We are human. Learning your limit is a good thing. If your tasks keep adding up and you can’t handle it, drop something out of your schedule. No one will blame you for needing to take care of yourself. It teaches you how to create a college life balance because you must decide what is the best for you. Look towards smaller things first that are not as important to take a break from. If more drastic changes need to be done, that is totally okay also. No busy lifestyle should come before your happiness.
  • Get out, have fun, and enjoy life— Lastly, enjoy life! Go out with friends, go to the gym, go on crazy adventures, and explore what’s around you! With every busy schedule, you should pair it with an exciting occasion. We are college kids. Yes, college is meant for you to get a degree and a full-time job in the future, but it is also here for you to make new friends, find your true identity, and enjoy everything freedom has to offer!
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Balancing the crazy life doesn’t have to be hard. It can be quite enjoyable if you make it so. These tips can help you on your journey to true college kid serenity. Remember, no one is perfect and it’s okay to make mistakes. Just keep on trying your best and being the greatest version of yourself you possibly can be. You are not alone in this journey. I still have a lot to work on myself concerning balance, so it won’t happen overnight. But whatever you do, never give up and keep reaching for the stars!

Madison Swafford is on the writing team for Her campus at the University of Kansas chapter! She writes mostly opinionated articles dealing with life and culture. Beyond Her Campus, Madison works at the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence where she utilizes her creative mind to help behavioral children and design lessons for them. She is also getting involved in the University Daily Kansan. Madison is a sophomore at the University of Kansas studying multimedia journalism with a minor in psychology. In Madison's free time, she loves to sing and read. She loves trying new things and hanging out with friends. Her competitive nature makes everything a challenge and she enjoys writing creative stories whenever she has the time.