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How to Have a Girls Trip & Not Hate Your Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Spring break is among us, and before we know it, so will summer break. Several of us love the idea of planning “The Ultimate Girls Trip” but fear that roadtrips, several days together, and a non-stop vacation will tear apart our relationships with those we travel with. Fall break 2022 was the first time I went on an exclusively all girls trip to Holland, Michigan. For Spring break 2023, me and the same girls I spent five days with in the fall will be venturing to Denver, Colorado for six nights.

To begin, before we ventured to Michigan my friends Anna, Grace, Ruth, and I made some ground rules for our trip. We planned out our vacation to include several scheduled downtimes. This included going to coffee shops where we could journal for an hour or two, naps at the hotel, and what we call “silent together time.” Having these scheduled times ensured that we wouldn’t burn ourselves out and get exhausted of each other with all the time spent together.

We also made sure to have an open communication with each other when we needed to take a break, spend time alone, or vibe in silence. One way to ensure that you don’t end up hating each other by the end of vacation is to have stable boundaries! Make sure you discuss what your limits and stamina are for such a long trip. This can clear away any expectations you may have for your friends. Remember, unmet expectations can lead to frustrations and potential disappointment, so make sure you clear the air with your travel companions.

Remember to have fun! You get time to spend uninterrupted time with some of your greatest friends. Make sure to be honest, communicate, and again, have fun! Some of my favorite college memories stem just from that one fall break and I cannot wait to make more memories this spring in Colorado!

P.S. make sure you and your friends are eating regularly and sleeping well so you don’t get hangry!!!

Hello everyone! My name is Aubree Chavez and I am a third-year student studying English with a minor in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. In my free time I enjoy writing, reading, and uploading videos on my youtube channel.