Spring Break, the college students dream vacation. Go to the beach, drink, party, see some hotties, sleep and do it all over again the next day. You don’t have to worry about chores, homework, work or sporadic weather changes. You get to tan and pretend every hour is 5 o’clock.
But what about the unfortunate ones who get to stay home, in Lawrence? Do they get to sulk in the shadows created by the clouds and worry about homework, work or chores? What is Spring bBreak with out the beach, sun and hotties?Â
Well, for those of you staying in town for Spring Break here are some tips on how to have a fun staycation.Â
Have A Marathon
“Of what?” you might ask. Your favorite movie series, television shows or webseries. Pick something you haven’t seen in a while or something that makes you laugh, cry or angry. Now is the perfect time to catch up on any missed episodes of your favorite shows or rewatch a show from its humble beginning.Â
For those of you, who are a Game of Thrones devote, why not rewatch seasons 1 and 2 to fuel your hatred for Joffrey Baratheon or his lovely mother Cersei Lannister for the upcoming season. The season 3 premier is March 31, if you didn’t know.
Why not catch up on some zzz’s?! Spring Break is the perfect weeklong vacation to take some naps or sleep until noon. School has pretty much everyone beat after midterms are over.
Take this opportunity to soak up every minute of the day by sleeping to prepare yourself for the next half of the semester and finals week. You’re going to need it.
Be A Local Tourist
Is there a city, store or landmark you haven’t seen yet? Research your city or state and find hidden historical attractions or hot spots to adventure to. Your home can have local gems that you can be proud to brag about while out and about the country or world.
Donate your time or extra goods to people who need it. It may seem daunting at first but it’s a great opportunity to support your local community and its people.
Spring clean your closet, and take any unwanted clothes in good condition to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army.
Other ideas are simply getting ahead on homework, having a girls night, learn how to cook/bake something, DIY or apply for interships. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure it’s fun.