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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Very few characters have left an impression like Elle Woods; and through the midst of this semester, I often find myself thinking, “What would Elle do?” I’m sure we are all aware of her lasting impact in the pop culture world, however, her attitude applies to each aspect of our lives, especially as women in college. The character Elle Woods speaks volumes for feminism, breaks down societal barriers, and the way she lives can inspire us all.

Everyone’s first impression of Elle Woods was a bubbly blonde who mindlessly followed a boy to Harvard Law School – but people often forget to mention that Elle Woods was a brilliant woman who got into Harvard Law with no prior knowledge. In the movie, we saw the obstacles of doubt she had to conquer and the confidence she had to find in herself. When she turned to those she loved and trusted the most for justification, they all told her otherwise. She found the strength within herself and followed what she thought was correct without the support from those around her. As women in college, we are constantly presented with boundaries that we are expected to stay within. We are told to stay in our confined space, each minding our own. Except, what would Elle do? What did Elle do?

Another inspiring trait that Elle Woods embodied was her confidence within herself. There was a strong societal change from CULA to Harvard Law, as shown in the film, and Elle Woods didn’t change herself to fit into the stereotypical mold that was presented. Amidst all the whispers and judgmental stares from her colleagues, she didn’t change her personality to compensate for their expectations. Rather than acting as a chameleon, Elle Woods maintained her morals and personality, and this was the impact she left. Multiple times throughout the movie people picked on her optimistic personality and fashion choices, and instead of letting that stop her – she let it uplift her. In various scenes, Elle Woods is the character covered in color; whether she was the only student not wearing brown, wearing bright lipstick while everyone else was dressed in all black, or her iconic pink dress suit, her presence was always known. Instead of fulfilling others wishes think, what would Elle do?

As the weather cools from summer to fall, it is important for us to remember who we are. We cannot lose ourselves chasing the expectations other people set for us; we cannot lose ourselves trying to be someone else’s version of us. We must trust that we know what’s best for ourselves and we must love ourselves enough to chase what we want, and more importantly, what we deserve.

Nevaeh Miller is a sophomore majoring in biochemistry. She enjoys learning about molecular biology, learning about dinosaurs, and watching rom coms.