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Seven Reasons to Look Forward to February that Don’t Revolve Around Your Relationship Status

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.


I absolutely love the feeling of being in love. It is a wonderful feeling to have, which is what makes Valentine’s Day such a great day to celebrate for those of you who are very much in love with your significant other. However, for those of us who are single, brokenhearted, or just prematurely over the lovey dovey Instagram posts that will inevitably flood our feed on February 14th, I have good news. It just so happens that I can give you 7 reasons to enjoy the month of February that don’t revolve around your current relationship status.


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  1. Do yourself a favor and spend February 9th celebrating National Pizza Day. While a clean diet is very important, wouldn’t it be just a little wrong to not celebrate a national holiday the right way?


2. Celebrate February 11th with National Make a Friend Day. We all love the friends who have been in our life for a very long time and probably will continue to be, but there is nothing wrong with branching out. Use this day to meet someone new and make new memories that you’ll cherish forever.

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3. On February 14th, you can celebrate National Organ Donor Day! Sure, there are a lot of people celebrating metaphorically giving their heart to someone else, but instead you can be the person to celebrate that someday you might literally do it (but you know, in a fun way).

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4. Celebrate February 18th’s National Drink Wine Day, because who doesn’t love to have an official excuse to get their drink on? Personally, I like to prep all year round for this national holiday.

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5. If you’re not a big wine drinker, have no fear, because National Margarita Day on February 22nd is here! Who could possibly say no to what is basically an alcoholic slushy? (Not this girl.)

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6. It’s National Spunky Old Broads Month! This is the perfect month to take the time to appreciate all of the spunky badass women in your life and throughout history. It also gives young women something to look forward to as they get older, which is a whole month dedicated to their elderly, spunky (but probably a little saggy from age) asses.



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7. Saving the best for last, it is most important that we remember that this month is Black History Month. We should all use February as a time to remember and appreciate all of the important and influential African Americans who have done amazing things and made their mark on the world in order to better it.


If these other national holidays aren’t better than Valentine’s Day, then I don’t know what is, but I can promise you that they will absolutely make your February a better one.

Hello all! My name is Emma Verdonik and I am a senior in her final year of studying at the University of Kansas. I am an English major who loves writing about all sorts of subjects and wants you to read what I have to say. Enjoy!