1. Take a road trip. Â It doesn’t have to be far, it doesn’t have to be somewhere exciting, it just has to happen.
2. Find your signature lipstick. “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.” Elizabeth Taylor knew what was up.
3. Learn how to make something really well. A drink, a dish, a pair of dangly earrings or even a smoky eye that lasts through summer heat. Find your secret talent and work it.
4. Read a book. Â I know, I’m telling you to read over summer. Ew. But really, books are amazing and wonderful and cheap entertainment.
5. Run a 5K. The Bubble Run, The Color Run and The Fro-Yo 5KÂ are all fun options.
6. Do something that scares you. Rock climbing, talking to the boy first or eating a new food are all different levels of scary that are totally doable this summer. Scare yourself a little. It’s good!  Honest!
7. Find a cause you can get behind. We are all capable of making the world a little better, and what better time to start than when you have 10 weeks free?  Find something you love and get behind it this summer. For my LFKers: The Humane Society, Head Start, Lawrence Public Library and the Boys and Girls Club are just a few of the options available to you.
8. Get a tattoo. Temporary or legit, just do it.
9. Make someone dinner. Food is love. Yes, spaghetti counts.
10. Be kind every day. Be kind to someone, just because you can.