I’m a senior this year, which means I’ve had almost three and a half years of college exams. They do get less intimidating, but the same thoughts seem to run through my head each time, usually starting with:
Why didn’t I leave earlier?? I cannot be late for this test….
Okay, I’m here. Made it on time. Aaaaand now I’m drenched in sweat from the run here…
Alright. The tests are being passed around. Oh god, why am I so nervous? Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last drink last night…
Cool. I have a test. Right in front of me. Just start the test. It’s going to be okay. I… Don’t know the answer to the first question. Why do I never seem to know the answer to the first question?? Do professors do this on purpose??
Okay, good. It looks like the first one was an anomoly. I seem to know most of these…
I’m doing good. Halfway done. Did that door just open?? What kind of human shows up this late on exam day??
Okay what? What is this question? Why do professors always insist on playing “gotcha”???
I literally don’t know the answer to this question. I’m tired. Why does the second half of a test always seem to take longer than the first?
Five minutes left. Awesome. Looks like I’m gonna guess on these ones I don’t know. Ugh.
Alright. I’m done. Leaving that mess behind me.
I think I did okay, considering!