~who is he~
Bill Self has been the ultimate campus crush since he started coaching basketball in 2003, no one can ignore his powerful aura. It’s no secret every man and woman on campus secretly wishes Coach Self was their daddy, but now there is a new man in town, a man by the name of Les Miles.
Les Miles was recently hired as the head coach for the KU football team and a new wave of hope has engulfed the entire campus. Could KU really be a football school once again? Could Les Miles pull us out of the embarrassing ashes of a 10-year losing streak? Possibly the most pressing questions of them all, what does this mean for our lord and savior, Bill Self?
Les Miles has definitely dominated the campus gossip this past week after he bought lunch for students in our beloved Underground. A bit much for a first date, wouldn’t you say? Not according to the lucky 400 students that got free lunch! Quite the first impression. Well played Miles, well played.
Less than six months away from football season and already KU fans across the nation sit on the edge of their seats waiting to see what other good things come from Miles becoming head coach. Not only will the team have a strong, respected, and well-established leader, but many talented players have followed Miles to good ol’ Lawrence because they know he’s got it going on.
I was curious to know what some of my peers had to say about this dilemma, so I reached out in a group text to get their opinion.
“Bill Self till the day I die,” said one. “Les Miles forever r u kidding,” replied another. “We don’t bow to Les Miles and that’s the tea,” stated another. Great point, girlfriend.
Well my fellow peers, it’s time to decide. So, who is your daddy?