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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I use yarn and needles to keep my hands busy

While I suffer through a class I once loved

I use television and sleep to comfort myself

From the thoughts of my nearing future


Too many deadlines, applications, expectations

To bring any joy to this achievement

Little time to enjoy friendships

Trading memories for a possibility


The future is now the present

But still looks dreary and bleak 

I still have no idea where I’m going

Or who I truly want to be


I put my hopes and dreams into a degree

Without a guarantee of anything

And as I near the end I’m left wondering,

Did I do it all for me?

Sydney Weiland

Kutztown '21

Currently, I'm a senior at Kutztown University majoring in English with minors in professional writing, social media theory & strategy, and music and a writing intern with HerCampus. Outside of classes, I love to play my oboe, go thrifting, and cook.
Jena Fowler

Kutztown '21

Music lover, writer, avid Taylor Swift connoisseur