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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I remember the way you looked at me

I remember the way we talked of truth and observation

I remember the conversation lasting almost all night

I remember it taking a turn

I remember your eyes looking into mine

I remember thinking I could see a glimpse into your soul

I remember you noticing my body language

I remember you taking off my clothes piece by piece

I remember your charismatic charm taking over the room

I remember the fairytale you sold me

I remember the realness you claimed to haveĀ 

I remember how fast you looked at your phone when it was done

I remember the fantasy fading fast after the deed

I remember your act as if you performed it every night

I remember how easy you fed me lies

I remember how easy you thought I was

Ā I remember this gameĀ 

I remember you

I remember me

Hi my names Amanda G! I'm a junior at Kutztown University and have a enormous sweet tooth. I want everyone to live and laugh. Hopefully my stories will help with that. I believe in the truth and the brighter side of life. I also believe in the power of Bagel Bar on Mainstreet, which is truly a gift. So sit back, relax, and be you at KU and in life.