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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

You make me comfortable
Sitting on your lap, like I’m portable
Eyes staring into mine as if their an abyss
You could say for a second it was bliss

Picks me up in a swoop

Like ice cream that you scoop
You say you can read me like a book
Expects me to leap with faith because of a look

Barely ten minutes into foreplay
You know more than you say
Asks for my trust to take off my panties

While I want to talk about the blooming dandies

Just want to get know you more
Your love language is physical touch galore

The deeper you get, the more that I see

You don’t really want to get to know me

Using flowery language and informative woes

Strip me from head to toe
Saying, “Let’s make love”
Sounding like I just might see doves

When all is said and done

I did have fun

Still left wondering the question thereof

Is it really making love?

Hi my names Amanda G! I'm a junior at Kutztown University and have a enormous sweet tooth. I want everyone to live and laugh. Hopefully my stories will help with that. I believe in the truth and the brighter side of life. I also believe in the power of Bagel Bar on Mainstreet, which is truly a gift. So sit back, relax, and be you at KU and in life.