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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

This past Saturday, October 7th, another neo-Nazi rally took place in Charlottesville, but that did not receive nearly as much news coverage as Pence leaving during the National Anthem. Again, players took a knee; they protested silently, and yet somehow that is more offensive than people deliberately spreading hate.

The players taking a knee did so to protest against hate. But no one wants to talk about what their protest is really about. There is talk over making it a requirement to stand during the anthem, which goes against their constitutional right and is fascism. Our president and vice president have yet to comment on police violence against Black Americans, which is the point of the players protests. They have only condemned players for “disrespecting our country,” which is ironic seeing as our country is disrespecting our democracy.

Trump and Pence have remained mute over the alt-right rally that occurred for the second time. Most people can agree that proclaiming one race as superior is far more offensive than taking a knee against police brutality.

A black man was beaten by several white supremacists at the rally, and this incident has received little news coverage in comparison to Pence’s attempt at making a statement. The neo-Nazis did not protest peacefully, and have yet to be called out on that. Trump and Pence need to reevaluate their priorities.

It is unlikely that this Nazi rally will be the last. They have expressed every intention of coming back. These protests should not be condoned. It is their right as Americans to the freedom of speech, but the line is usually drawn once violence occurs. Only the protest has not even received acknowledgement from our president.

Trump and Pence are so offended by protests taking place during our anthem, one would think they would at least be a little upset over people protesting against everything our country stands for. The fact they have not even spoken out about the matter is revealing of their agenda in office.

Our president and vice president need to consider which protest is more threatening. Obviously the protest intending to express hate and in which violence occurred is far more worrisome than players quietly kneeling for a good cause. But Trump and Pence have only condemned one of the two. Needless to say, last Saturday was a hell of a day for our president to forget to tweet. 


Aspiring Journalist | Self-Published Author