It is time to stop the stigma that is so often accompanied with therapy. Getting help, bettering ourselves, and ultimately making sure we are mentally and emotionally stable is important to us as human beings. So why is the topic of therapy something we cringe at when brought up? You are NOT weak for going to therapy. You are NOT crazy for going to therapy. You ARE strong. You ARE courageous. You ARE bettering yourself.
I went to my first therapy session at the young age of ten. I was depressed but did not know what that meant, and luckily I had a supportive family that took action to take me to therapy. I am forever grateful to them. My very first therapist, Lynn, turned out to be one of the best things to happen to me. I knew I could talk to her about anything, and it was a completely judge free, confidential environment. I think this is what everyone needs every now and then in life; someone to talk to who is not biased and will just listen as one rants about life for a few hours. There is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to therapy; it is just like sitting down with a best friend or close family member. Where the stigma comes from, I will never know.
Even now, as a nineteen year old in my sophomore year of college, I go to see the same therapist I saw nine years ago. There is no length of time one has to go for therapy, I find that when stressors come up in life and I cannot find healthy ways to cope with them, going to my therapist is a good option. Yes, I could always just talk to a friend or my family and save money, but I find that going to someone you do not interact with everyday can be healthy and comforting, and money should not be of great concern when it comes to your mental and emotional health.
I do not write this article to receive pity from anyone, I write it because therapy is a way I was able to get to where I am today, it is important to me, and I do not want to see it stomped all over like it is nothing. You do not have to be “sick” to go to therapy, any “normal” person can go to therapy and should not be ridiculed for getting the help they feel they need and deserve.
Therapy is for parents, teachers, doctors, politicians, police, soldiers, and so many more. Stop the stigma that therapy is for the weak.