The game Among Us has been gaining popularity extremely quickly within the last few weeks. With everyone talking about it on social media, you have most likely heard of the game or have some familiarity with it. In case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s how it works. First, you need to join either a public or private game, or you can make a game yourself. Then, you need up to 10 people to join the game. This is called a lobby. Once your lobby is established, you can begin. You are assigned a role as either a crewmate or an imposter. If you are a crewmate, you must complete all of the tasks you are given. You must also complete emergency tasks. If you complete all of your tasks and the imposter has not killed enough people, the crewmates will win the game. If you are an imposter, you must try to sabotage and kill the entire lobby without being caught. If you manage to kill the lobby without getting caught, you win the game. The biggest obstacle you must overcome is not coming off as “sus,” or suspect/suspicious. If you act in a way that even hints at you being the Imposter, you will most likely be voted out of the lobby. If you are the Imposter, it is imperative to bluff the best you can. Now is your time to use your acting skills!
Among Us has created a ton of noise in the media. People have made memes about the game, Tik Toks, Instagram posts, and a bunch of other media references to the game. You’re probably wondering, why is this game so popular all of the sudden? Although the addictive game was released back in 2018, people are going insane over it in 2020. This could be due to players only discovering the game recently, popular gamers streaming the game, or just plain boredom during the pandemic. Although players love the game for their own reasons, Among Us is great for groups of friends who are quarantined, as it is interactive without having to be physically with your teammates. This game is also excellent for women who may feel intimidated by playing video games with men, or members of the LGBTQ+ community, since nobody can tell what gender you identify with or really anything about you except your name (for which you can even use a fake one). The game allows you to pretty much be whoever you wish to be portrayed.
Next time you and your friends are bored, try downloading Among Us. I personally think the game is extremely fun and I am not a huge video game fan. Not only does the game give you liberty to be whoever you want and act freely, but it exercises your detective and bluffing skills. Give it a try, maybe you can be the one to find the Imposter among us.