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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Holding in-breath till your lungs are completely full

Thinking of the future never can be dull

For there is a worry, doubt, confusion

We can only sit and ponder about it which becomes an illusion

Though most of the time our mind simply doesn’t help

We often judge our possibilities like a bad review on yelp

Some of the greatest moments, we can experience have yet to come

Why do we sit there feeling positively dumb? 

Our capabilities seem so limited in a world that is not

Miracles happen every day, actually a lot

For the future will happen either way

The point is to take it in day by day

So keep looking on with a smile and glee

Soon you will be looking back on that moment like it’s history

Hi my names Amanda G! I'm a junior at Kutztown University and have a enormous sweet tooth. I want everyone to live and laugh. Hopefully my stories will help with that. I believe in the truth and the brighter side of life. I also believe in the power of Bagel Bar on Mainstreet, which is truly a gift. So sit back, relax, and be you at KU and in life.