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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Expectations on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Salle chapter.

To some couples, Valentine’s Day is extremely special; it’s a day to go all out for your significant other. To others, it’s just another day in the week. To some, in order to complete that special day, there are expectations that have to be met. Here’s what La Salle students had to say about what’s expected on Valentine’s Day.

Is sex expected on Valentine’s Day if you’re in a relationship?  

“Well, I would say yes because sex is looked at as the pinnacle of loving making. Since Valentine’s Day is a day of love, I feel like it’s expected that you want to be the most intimate with your partner. But, I feel like the older you get the less it matters.” Male, Single

“Sex is expected every day when you’re talking/dating someone but, especially on Valentine’s Day.” Female, Single

“It’s never expected but you would like to have it.” Male, Single

“Sex, period, is never expected; especially on Valentine’s Day, you don’t have to have sex with your partner whether it is a holiday or not, if they’re not in the mood then they’re not in the mood. On Valentine’s Day you think of sex maybe because you think of all that romantic shit but at the end of the day, I don’t expect for her to give me anything and I don’t think it should be like that for any relationship.” – Female, In a Relationship

“Yeah, I think it’s expected but you shouldn’t be mad if it doesn’t happen.” Male, Single

“I think it is kind of, and expected to be special in some way.” Female, Single

“I think if sex has been a part of your relationship, then yes. But, it’s not absolutely necessary to have a good time on Valentine’s Day. That being said, sex is a way to express love and intimacy and that’s what Valentine’s Day is about.” Female, In a Relationship.

Do you expect gifts on Valentine’s Day?

“No it’s not an expectation because it’s not about the gifts.” Female, Single

“If we said we were going to exchange gifts then we should. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but you should definitely get something.” Male, Single

“I don’t expect gifts; I don’t think they’re necessary. If that’s the way you choose to express your love that’s fine but they’re so many other ways.” Female, In a Relationship

“Not really because I think every day should be ‘like’ Valentine’s Day. You shouldn’t wait until one day to show your appreciation to your significant other. If you aren’t financially stable enough to get gifts regularly then you shouldn’t but all that waiting for one day to get a gift shouldn’t be it.” Male, Single

Do you expect to be taken out on Valentine’s Day?

“If I was with someone I wouldn’t expect to be taken out but, I’d expect some sort of gesture.” Female, Single

“It’s not necessary, personally I don’t think it’s all that important. Valentine’s Day should be more meaningful and from the heart rather than just spending money on them.” Male, In a Relationship

“Not at all, there are so many other things you can do and it’s nice to see people get creative.” Female, In a Relationship

“No, I don’t expect it but, it’s nice! My boyfriend consistently takes me out and I’m not pressed because I’m just happy to spend time with him.” Female, In a Relationship

Expectations for Valentine’s Day vary. Whether you’re in a relationship, single, or somewhere in between, it’s always nice to spend Valentine’s Day however you desire. Snuggle up and watch your fav romcom or head out downtown with your date or some girlfriends. Whatever you decide, I hope you have a very Happy Valentine’s Day.


Tyller Moorer

La Salle '20

Tyller is a graduate student-athlete Communication: Journalism major and English minor from New Jersey. She has a passion for writing and enjoys seeing her writing touch other people.