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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Salle chapter.

A La Soul mate is two people who are college sweethearts from La Salle University.

I heard this term during my sophomore year and the first person to cross my mind was my best friend.

When most people think of a soulmate they think of a romantic partner, or someone they are in love with. When I think of a soulmate, I think of someone that shares the same gusto as you, someone who shares the same spirit.

Reilly and I met my senior year of high school at a softball tournament in Quakertown. We were both recruited to play softball at La Salle and were incoming freshman the next year. From the moment we got on campus we were so close I never met someone as loud as me and with the same “we don’t care what anyone thinks” attitude. We have everything in common and tell each other the way it is. If I looked ugly Reilly would be the first person to tell me.

Flash forward to sophomore year and we decide to live together. That was the best year of our lives. She was my best friend on and off the field.  We got a bunny and we made up stupid games but and had so much fun throughout that year.

She ended up transferring to play softball and I may not see my best friend every day, but I did not lose her. We still try to call each other and see each other from hours away.  We could never replace each other.

I believe that God decides who you who put in your life. I believe that God made my boyfriend for me and I believe that God made Reilly for me. Two people with the same spirit are what Reilly and I are.


Relationships aren’t always romantic and people we are intimate with. I find relationships so interesting because of how people connect and why people meet and how they meet. So yeah, my best friend is my La Soulmate.

Emily Conaway

La Salle '20

My name is Emily Conaway, I am a junior public relations major at La Salle University. I am not really a stop and smell the roses person but more of a stop and pet your dog type of person.