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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Hello Everyone! Grab your wine glass and enjoy this introduction because this might be a long one! My name is Karla Navarro and I am a 22 year-old Latina attending the University of La Verne. I am a senior Psychology major. Careful, I might be able to read your mind (; I just joined Her Campus La Verne this Fall semester, and I am excited to be writing future articles. I was thinking about titling it “Pillowtalk with Karla”. What do y’all think? Also, Wondering what topics I am interested in writing about? I am a huge makeup person, so I hope to be writing a lot of makeup reviews. Also, I enjoy topics about dating, sex, relationships, all that fun stuff! I’d like to start different discussions on dating and being a full time college student, living on campus, being in different clubs, internships, and trying to be social. 

A little about me? I LOVE dogs, especially mine. I swear I’m a crazy dog mom. Since I live on campus, she stays at my parents house. Khloe is so spoiled she literally has her own closet with different outfits.

I am the oldest in my family and the first one to graduate from a university! I have a great family and they are an awesome support system. Both my parents are from Colima/Manzanillo, and I go every December. Being Mexican is something that I really take pride in. 

What does the future hold for me after I graduate? Honestly, I’m in a little “crisis” if you will. Originally I wanted to go to grad school and go straight into the MFT program and become a therapist. Right now, I’m just at this point where I want to achieve my crazy dreams. I’ve experienced a lot of people that I went to school with passing away unfortunately, and it just makes me realize how much I take life for granted. I’d like to chase my wildest dreams and just truly embrace life and enjoy myself. There’s a lot of things I’d like to accomplish. But who knows, maybe I can achieve both becoming a therapist and chasing my other dreams/aspirations. 

If you are still reading, I promise I’m done now! Thank you for taking the time in reading this!



Karla Navarro

Karla Navarro

La Verne '19

Hmm a little bit about me? 22 year old senior at the University of La Verne. Psychology major, aspiring MFT.