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Need Last-Minute Spring Break Plans?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

It’s that time of year! With Spring Break right around the corner, the time you have to make plans is dropping by the second. This only happens once a year, and whether you’ve got money or not, you still have to make sure you’re taking advantage of this hiatus from all the responsibilities you have. If you don’t have any plans made yet, consider the following recommended ideas:


1. Road Trip

Grab a group of friends and hit the road! This is the highest recommended Spring Break idea by far. Enjoy the vibes with those closest to you as you plan a trip to a place you’ve never been before. Plan out the final destination and see what else you can check-out along the way. This is a great opportunity for you and your pals to enjoy your time together, see new things, get amazing pictures, and vibe with one another.

2. Surf’s Up

The sun is out, and the water is fine! Hit up your local beach and ride the waves. Not into surfing? Chill by the water and soak up the sun to work on those tan lines. There’s no better time than time spent on the beach with a nice breeze. Building a sandcastle never hurt anybody, right?

3. Viva Las Vegas

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. If you’re 21 and older, check out what Vegas has to offer! Walk the strip or go bar hopping in each casino. Plus you can check out all the amazing live performances by some of the greatest acts on the West Coast. Enjoy your time by visiting every casino along the strip, then take it back to the hotel to just relax.

4. Late Night Bonfire

Maybe everyone is still busy during the day, so why not meet up afterward and have a group bonfire! S’mores, secrets, and your best friends huddled around a huge fire pit, all celebrating and laughing the night away. Bonfires are the best time to sit back and have deep meaningful conversations with friends, or even learn more about each other. Nothing says “friendship” like a game of “Never Have I Ever!”

5. Family Time is a Must

Your family loves you and probably misses your adorable face. GO VISIT THEM. I cannot stress to you enough about how important it is to check in with your family and show them how college is treating you (even if you’re in your last semester before graduation). And, if you already see your family on a daily, plan a family game night at home. It’s different when you play interactive games with mom and dad watching, but it’ll still be extremely beneficial.

6. Volunteering is Cool Too

So now that you have all this free time, try donating it to a great cause by volunteering at a local animal shelter, recreational park, or by cleaning up the beach. Volunteer work always provides you with an amazing feeling when you’ve completed a task that benefits more than just yourself. Taking part in your community helps you to give back and show people what you’re made of.

7. Spring Cleaning

I know, I know. No one wants to think about their responsibilities when it’s supposed to be their time to party. Sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do, and in this case, it may be cleaning. Take some time this Spring Break to clean up around the house. Maybe you really wanted to repaint or redecorate your bedroom, so now is the perfect opportunity to do that. Trust me, you’ll feel so much better when you finally finish. Remember: a clean workspace is a healthy workspace!

8. “Me” Time

Self-care is the absolute best for Spring Break. What are you to do if you get left out of your friend’s plans? At least now you know you have time to treat yourself to some amazing “me” time. How can you expect to go back to school, work, or both, if you haven’t really relaxed? Take your free-time and use it to make yourself feel rejuvenated and ready to get back to work.

Okay, now that you’ve taken the time to read this, get out there and figure out what you’re doing during your Spring Break! It’s coming up!


Hello, my name is Javier Lucatero! I'm a School Psychology, PPS masters student at the University of La Verne. Working in the educational field while building my experience for my career, I take part in Her Campus La Verne as a graduate student staff writer. My articles are random, blunt, and debatably very interesting. If you think there's something worth writing about, or feel I should address, let me know (@Javi_Lucatero) and I'll see what I can do! Thanks for reading!