Elections are approaching quickly, and for most college students they will finally be able to vote in the presidential election. I often hear students sharing with others why they don’t plan on voting this time around, or why they will never vote. It is essential that we get young people to vote because the majority of these changes are the ones we will have to live with.
6. Fewer young people are voting than ever before
In the words of Mr. Trump, “Not true!” Cencus data from 2008 showed that the youngest class of people, aged 18-24, was the only age group to actually increase their voting numbers.
5. I can’t make it to the poll, so I can’t vote
By law, employers are supposed to give their employees a three hour break on election day to vote at the polls. If you don’t want to deal with the lines at the polls, you can vote from the comfort of your own home (in sweatpants while eating pizza if you’d like) if you register to have a mail in ballot. This may also be the most convenient way to vote if you do not want to feel rushed to make a decision.
4. Winner takes all in the Electoral Vote
Most of the time the Electoral College votes for whichever candidate won the popular vote… most of the time, so not all of the time. 48 states and the District of Columbia are not required to cast their electoral college vote for the winner. This allows those on the Electoral College to vote for who they see fit, rather than the popular vote.
3. You can’t wear campaign gear while you vote
Yes and no. In some states it is not allowed, however your right to vote cannot be taken away because of this. These rules are meant to prevent campaigners fro swaying other people’s votes, so things like passing out pamphlets and protesting are prohibited.
2. If I register to vote, I’ll be more likely to get called for jury duty
In most states, after you register to vote your name goes into the jury pool when you purchase a house or car, register with the local DMV, or file for a state income-tax return. Registering to vote is just one additional way to get your name in that pool but it does not necessarily mean that you will be selected.
1. My vote doesn’t matter
Many believe that their vote does not matter because the true power lies with the Electoral College. Past presidential elections prove that every vote does count. In 2000, the final count of Florida’s votes Bush won by just 537 votes and thus clinched the election. In short, state elections are critical. Your vote is also essential for making local and state level changes through voting on propositions and in senate elections because you may see a more direct change.
If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. Exercise your right to vote!