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College in 2021–How To Keep Up With Your Loved Ones At Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

Let’s say you just started dating someone great right when you left for school or you’ve been best friends with someone your whole life. Either way, classes, clubs, and every college obligation known to women make it feel so impossible to sneak in time to check in with the people you miss back at home (or at their schools that might be even farther away). So, here are some things I’ve been doing to make sure I still know what’s up with them:

  1. A Selfie A Day: if you only have a second, snapping a quick picture and captioning it with what you’re doing everyday keeps someone pretty in the loop 
  2. Scheduling Visit Days To Look Forward To: Visiting your people over breaks and counting down can make these moments feel exciting and less like time to miss them
  3. Making A Regular Time: pick sometime that you know more weeks than not you’ll be free to make your friend feel like a priority and catch up
  4. Let Them Know: when something makes you think of them, tell them, it might make their whole day!
  5. Share Spotify Playlists: that way whenever you hear one of their songs you’ll be reminded of your good times with them
  6. Get Stories Ready for Coming Home to Them–whether it’s for a fun PowerPoint night or just hanging out, make sure you save all the good details for the next time you’re together

I’m sure there are plenty of other ways to tell the people you love how much you care but the important thing is that you do, because no matter what it’ll always make you and them feel so much better.

Lisa Green

Lafayette '24

Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm a freshman at Lafayette. I'm interested in theater, politics, cooking and more!