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Career > Her20s

A Closing Letter From the Editor-In-Chief

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

When I joined Her Campus my freshmen year I never imagined I would be where I am today. I remember being a shy freshman joining any club I could in an attempt to make some friends. I was completely lost about how to write an article as the current editor went through two slideshows about writing an article the HC way and citing in APA, a format I never used. I was discouraged by how the other girls knew each other and scared of the current president, who everyone seemed to hate. I was totally intimidated, but I came back again at the next meeting.

Since joining the club, Her Campus has been a huge part of my life. I was totally shocked my sophomore year when the current Editor-in-Chief, Madison, asked me to take her place. I thought my articles were mediocre and that there had to be a better choice. But she believed in me and she trained me how to be an editor when she graduated. I’ve been Editor-in-Chief since my junior year due to her belief in me.

During my freshmen and sophomore year, the club was very small, mostly board and a few writers. But over my four years at Her Campus, I watched the club triple in size, and last year we reached Elite status. It took a lot of hard work from our members to constantly post on social media and drastically rack up the number of posts to 10 a week. I wanna thank Emalee, my sophomore and junior year president, and Anna, my senior year president, for their hard work in collaborating with me. It took a lot of planning with the board and cooperation from the members to get where we are today. I’m proud to leave Her Campus Lasell as an elite chapter.

I am also so proud of my copy editors Hannah and Yali- the club is in good hands. I really depended on them to help get the articles out on time and they had such an important role. They were my support system for the club and I couldn’t have done it without them. Hannah, you will do great as the editor in chief and I can’t wait to give you my torch, Yali. I’m also so glad that I and Anna could be co CC together, we started as freshmen writers together and now we will be graduating together. Anna has made such a huge impact on the club and I choose to believe it will be long-lasting.

I am very sad to be leaving Her Campus, I knew it would happen at some point but four years flew by. I wanna thank Her Campus for giving me the opportunity to write and I want to thank all the girls I meet on the way, each and every one of you who has made an impact on my life. I know we are leaving the club in capable hands, but I can’t help but miss our meetings and members.



Her Campus Editor-in-Chief

Ariana is the Editor In Chief for Her Campus Lasell. She is a senior at Lasell double majoring in Business Management and Marketing. When she's not editing for HC Lasell, she's binge-watching Netflix or buried in a good book.