Move over Kim Kardashian, there’s a new curve in town. Recently, it was announced that Sports Illustrated will be featuring plus size model Ashley Graham in their annual swimsuit.
This will be the first time SI has featured a plus sized swimwear ad. Graham, size 16, has been featured in numerous other magazines including Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamor, and Latina. She sports a itty bitty black bikini designed by swimwear brand, swimsuitsforall. This will be the start of the social media campaign #CurvesinBikinis.
Graham and swimsuitsforall plan on going ahead full steam ahead with the social media campaign #CurvesinBikinis, promoting girls to show off their curves with pride. swimsuitsforall President and CEO Moshe Laniado said “Tastes and body types change over time and curves have never been more ‘in’. There is no better way to celebrate and show off than by donning a bikini.”
This is one of many companies who have recently started campaigns for better body image and loving your body. Aerie has started and stuck to an all natural campaign, featuring models in their ads without any retouching. Dove has long promoted healthy body image and self love through videos featuring models getting retouched and comparing it to the real thing and featuring real women in their ads, no matter the body shape.
Graham was recently noted for slamming Jennifer Lawrence’s reputation as the ‘curvy girl’ role model in Hollywood in an interview with The Edit. “Jennifer Lawerence is the media’s poster girl for curves- she’s tiny. There needs to be more education in schools, because that’s where eating disorders start. It’s not just about being healthy; it’s about loving who you are.”
With Graham championing behind eating disorder awareness and body love, it seems as if we are in a new era of the ‘perfect body’, one that does not limit itself to a single body type.
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