So I am a Fashion Design and Production major at Lasell University. Everyone who’s a fashion major dresses up, yet I come strolling into class in sweatpants or leggings and a random T-shirt.
Now, at first glance, you might think “jeez there’s no way this girl knows anything about fashion”. To be fair, I’d probably think the same thing. However, in reality, I know so much that I am the first one to do this major in 3 years instead of 4. It’s not that I don’t know anything or that this is my style. To be completely honest, it’s because I have no energy to wear real clothes and put an outfit together. If I’m going to wear an actual outfit, it’s going to be a good outfit. But I don’t have the time or energy to do it most days.
Another thing is that the clothes I wear are in no way a reflection of my actual style. I don’t have the money for my real style, which sucks. So I’m stuck wearing my old clothes from high school and somehow trying to make them work for my style, which doesn’t work out all the time. Hence why I have no energy to do it.
Maybe if Lasell didn’t make us purchase all our material for the required projects we have to do, then I’d have the money, but no. Each project is about $100 worth of supplies. To put that into perspective: freshman year has 2 looks, sophomore year has 4 looks, Junior year has 4 looks, and Senior year has 7 looks. That’s almost $2,000 on top of tuition, major fees, room and board, and more! CRAZY!
Anyways, on top of all of this in my head, I always get weird looks when people ask about my major. I’ll be out in my day in my usual sweatpants and T-shirt and I’ll talk to new people. When they ask “oh what’s your major” and I say fashion design, they always look me up and down and go oh ok- as if they’ve already judged me. And all I can hear is them going “sure ok, well you’re not going far.” But little do they know, I’ll make it. I just know it.
Suffice to say, don’t judge a book by its cover.