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It’s Easy Being Green(er)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

As everyone’s favorite frog said “it’s not easy being green”, but it’s time to just give it a try. Here are nine tips on how to be a little more ecofriendly on campus:

  1. Invest in a Water Purifier: It sounds so simple, but investing in a water purifier like a Brita cannot only lessen your impact by reducing plastic bottle waste, it will save you money. Instead of having to trek to the grocery store every other week for a refill, you can just walk to the nearest sink.
  2. Reduce Post-It Use: Stop using the fancy post-it notes and instead use old posters or papers. Keep a stack of scrap paper and a pen on your desk for to-do lists and reminders. It also just happens to be free.
  3. Take Military Showers: This is not for the faint of heart, but pay attention to how long those showers get. Turn off the water when you’re soaping up or shaving and you’ll stop yourself from using gallons of unnecessary water.
  4. Hit the Thrift Shops: Instead of investing in the latest trend from H&M, go to Savers or Salvation Army. Not only are the prices prime for a college student on a budget, but it’s a lot less likely you’ll run into someone wearing the same dress at your next event. Because let’s face it, no one wants to be a surprise twin at the party of the year.
  5. Print Double Sided: Those ten page essays you have to print every week? Cut it down to five. It’ll save printing money and trees. Just because Lasell has unlimited access to printing doesn’t mean we have to be limitless in our paper waste!
  6. Start Using Google Drive: Don’t print unless it’s absolutely necessary. And by using Google Drive, your friends can edit papers with comments, leaving hard copies unnecessary and unimportant.
  7. Reusable Bags: Whether it’s shopping at the grocery store or stocking up on the latest trends, bring your own bags! So many places are transitioning over to cloth options or giving discounts for say no to plastic and paper and saying yes to canvas! Not to mention there are so many cute ones to choose from. Plus, reusable bags don’t break while you’re crossing the bridge, spilling your food on all the cars passing below on your way back to campus from Star Market.
  8. Buy in Bulk: Instead of only buying toiletries and such for the month, buy in bulk supply, usually it’s not only cheaper in the long run but it cuts down on plastic containers. There’s a BJ’s in Waltham that carries EVERYTHING you could possibly want in bulk. Grab a couple of friends and stock up!
  9. Pay Attention: Keep your eyes open to what’s going on around you. Doing little things like turning off the lights after leaving a room, and turning off the sink while you brush your teeth. This is especially key in residence halls like Bragdon, Butters and Forest where the rooms are more like apartments having that “room within a room” thing going on.

    Save a tree, save a bottle, just save something and encourage others to do so as well. It’s not just our Earth we’re hurting, it’s our children’s and our children’s children. So start paying a little more attention. You’re grandkids will be happy you did. A little green goes a long way.


    Haleigh West is an Honor's Student majoring in Fashion Design with a double minor in Environmental Studies and Studio Art. Her articles are centered around sexual awareness and relationship advice, with the occasional piece focusing on social justice from a feminist perspective. Outside of HerCampus, she runs Lasell's chapter of Active Minds, an organization dedicated to ending the stigma of mental illness on campus, and is an avid hiker who never stops exploring.As a self proclaimed "equalist" she is determined to live in a world where all are created equal. Free of sexism, free of racism, free of all stigma. A truly free world.