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Krista DeJulio: Music Lover and Journalist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Her career path and love for music make Krista DeJulio one of our eight baddest females on campus. When this campus celeb isn’t busy writing for The Boston Globe, The 1851 Chronicle, Polished Magazine, or volunteering with the CCBL, she has her headphones planted firmly in her ears. Not only is she beautiful, intelligent, unique, and a total rock star, Krista DeJulio has a passion stronger than wild fire. Music runs in Krista’s veins and out through her fingertips, inspiring her while she writes.

This aspiring music journalist combines music and writing in the best kind of way. Both are forms of therapy to DeJulio, and music can transport her to a different decade, or revive old memories.  She explains that music and writing are, “usually the first thing I do when I wake up and always the last thing I do when I go to bed.”  DeJulio’s daily writing regimen and entire lifestyle are a result of her dreams, “my life goals are centered on music and writing so I have to love each.”

Fifty percent of DeJulio’s day is devoted to the 1851 Chronicle. Even when she’s not writing she is in contact with her fellow editors, conducting an interview, or helping the staff. Her unwavering dedication to the school’s newspaper is a testament to her passion.

If most people had an ounce of the drive DeJulio has, this world would be a much more productive place. The pieces that DeJulio writes for Polished and the Chronicle make us even more eager to get our hands on what she will write for magazines in the future.

Mackenzie Dineen attends Lasell College and will graduate in 2019, she is a Communications major concentrating in media journalism and entertainment media, and she hopes to write for Alternative Press one day. Mackenzie loves Punk and Rock music, is a firm believer in sustainable living, and spends most of her free time drawing, writing, singing, or reading. You will probably never spot Mackenzie with a natural hair color, and her fridge will never be lacking in chocolate ice cream, she is always open to making new friends or listening to new music!