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Mass Maritime Student Wearing Nazi Uniform Expelled

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

On Halloween, there was an outrage at Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzard’s Bay as there were reports and photographs of an unidentified student wearing what was obviously a Nazi uniform at breakfast that morning. The students who noticed it took quick action and notified their superiors, who immediately spoke to the student in question. The commandant asked the student to remove his costume and immediately began investigating, but it’s not sure what would come of it.

On Nov. 10, President Francis McDonald released a statement that the student is “no longer a cadet.” The admiral did not say if this was a voluntary action taken by the student or the punishment as a result of the investigation, but regardless, the student has been removed from the school.

There has been nothing released as to the motivation of the student to wear such a costume or what the internal investigation turned up, but it’s safe to assume that the student has some extreme views. It certainly says a lot about our current stance as a country that Nazi culture and white supremacy is still very present, but the immediate action taken by the academy says even more about the efforts being made to stop it.