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My Experience Going to the RINI Concert in Boston

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

I’ve always been someone who was obsessed with music. From a young age, my parents always geared me toward music and encouraged me to explore myself through music. After going through many different phases of music such as 70s hair band rock, all the way to current-day pop music, I’ve finally found not only my own sound as an artist but my favorite genres of music to listen to: R&B. Now I know a lot of people might feel like that’s really generic. But for me, I love the sweet melodic flow of the guitar meshing with the keyboard and the synthesizer to create a rhythm that can hypnotize anyone. So when I found out that one of my favorite artists that made me truly enjoy the genre was going to go on tour and was coming to Boston, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see him and quickly handed over my money to AXS. God, was that probably one of the best decisions of my life!

I had been listening to  RINI (@rinidawg) since 2017 when I found one of his songs on a Spotify-recommended playlist and instantly fell in love with his song Emerald (fun fact it came out a day after my birthday). As he developed as an artist, and I developed my own music tastes, I continued to listen to all his new releases. So, at this concert, I was very prepared- I had saved up to get one of the merch shirts so I could have a keepsake of such a special moment for me. And while I was at the concert, I felt like I was transported to a whole new world. It was like 15-year-old me was finally getting a chance to experience something she had always wanted. Not only was this the first-ever concert that I had ever been to, but this by far will forever stay in my memory as the best concert I’ve ever been to. I mean, the interactions he had with the crowd and the bangers being played one after another were absolutely incredible, and I really hope that he comes back because when I tell you he left an everlasting impression on everyone who went, I mean it. To be honest, I was literally losing my fucking mind, and as someone who wants to break out into the music world, he is such an inspiration for me. So if you’re someone who is exploring music, already currently enjoying R&B, or even just want a new, up incoming artist to vibe out to, he would definitely be my top choice. 

I love anything makeup, hair, and fashion and I love meeting new people!