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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

With midterms quickly approaching, I have started to get more assignments and projects. During stressful times, it’s important to remember to take moments for yourself so that you can bring your best self to your work. Below, I’ve listed some of my favorite strategies for taking time to myself.

  1. Go on a walk and get outside

Going into nature, even just for a minute, can help to clear my head. I try to leave my phone off during this time too, so I can focus on what’s around me. This exercise of being present helps me to refocus on my work when I go back to it later. 

  1. Get active for a minute

I had to add another physical activity to the list since getting your heart rate up boosts your brain health too. It could be anything from yoga, to strengthening exercises, to going on a walk. 

  1. Sleep

Sometimes it can be easy to push off sleeping to do other things, but one of the most beneficial things for your mind is to get some rest! Try to get a consistent sleep pattern going, as inconsistency can also contribute to lower cognitive functioning. 

  1. Try doing something creative

Recently, along with the influx of assignments has come the desire to do crafts. I readopted my old knitting hobby and pulled out my coloring book and markers. This category helps to redirect my focus and use my brain in a different way. When I return to my work, I feel calmer and ready to continue.

  1. Listen to some good music

The last strategy I use is listening to some music that gets me hyped up for my study sesh. HerCampus Lasell’s Spotify is full of playlists that our members have carefully curated, if you want to listen to something new!

I am a junior majoring in Fashion Merchandising and Management.