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My Two Favorite Woman Designers

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

My all-time favorite designer is Donatella Versace. I am always amazed at her bold and iconic approach. Her designers are focused on confidence, glamor, and giving off the impression of individuality. This resonates with my own style; I can see myself wearing her designs. Donatella has this creative force that she has embodied in the Versace brand. She has an amazing way of blending luxury with edginess. These blends create trendsetting works of art. She is fearless in her use of color, dynamic patterns, and innovative silhouettes which consistently push the boundaries of fashion. She is also not just into fashion, which I think is amazing because she is using her talents across the board. Her journey to success while overcoming personal struggles and loss truly reflects strength in her character, which resonates with me. Another thing I admire about Donatella is her commitment to inclusivity and diversity within Versace during her brand campaigns and runway shows. To me, she isn’t just a fashion icon but also a role model for embracing oneself, gaining confidence, and breaking stereotypes.

Vera Wang is my second favorite woman designer. Her designs truly embody grace and sophistication. She is mainly known for her bridal gowns, which I love because they are classic but also modern; there is also a sense of fantasy in the gowns. Her attention to detail and use of luxurious fabrics paired with her impeccable craftsmanship really make her stand out in the fashion world. Throughout her designs, she maintains her signature style which is so admirable. Each of her pieces of art create a different compelling story. Wang’s fearless approach to designs and experimenting with different fantastic fabrics and silhouettes aligns with my daring and adventurous spirit. Eventually, I want to wear a Vera Wang wedding dress at my wedding.

Hello! My name is Kayleigh Bollin. I am a study at Lasell University, studying Fashion Media and Marketing. I enjoy fashion, listening to music, dancing, and going out to Boston. I am from Martha's Vineyard, Mass.