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Switching From Residential to a Commuter Student: How Did I Manage It?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

It’s the beginning of a new semester! And for a lot of people, it meant time for a new schedule, and basically a new normal. Which new classes you’re taking, getting familiar with your professor’s office hours, planning around your extracurricular activities, all that good stuff! But if you’re like me, a freshman in college during a pandemic, the new “normal” isn’t really normal at all. Especially since a lot of freshmen in college have decided that after a semester in college on campus with strict COVID restrictions, it would be in their best interests to stay home for this spring semester. And as one of those students, I’m here to give you some tips and tricks on how to make the transition from all in-person to many online as easy as possible, and how to make sure your grades are still on point! 


1. Time Management

College is all about you figuring out yourself, and including that is figuring out your own personal schedule. What time of the day do you think you get the most work done? Morning or nighttime? By figuring out your own schedule and pairing it up to your classes, you can achieve the best results. Like if let’s say you have a chemistry lecture on Mondays and Wednesdays and your professor always has your homework due Friday nights. Depending on how you like to break up your work, you could do a bit of work each night, all Monday night, or crunch time at 8:30 pm Friday. Whatever works for you! 

2. Successful workspace

You changed scenery last semester, who says you can’t do it again? You are getting situated in learning from home which may seem tough, but you can make the best of it! If learning from your bed seems trivial, think about investing in a good desk,(Amazon has really good ones for under $100 if you don’t already have one), and give it a little of your own touch! Adding a bulletin board with your schedule, and pictures of you and your family and friends to give you a kick of motivation. Just make sure you have a designated workspace away from distractions that you know you will get your work done.

3. Investing in supplies

Since your home now, it’s way easier to pop on over to Target or Walmart and get a few things that you may need. So make sure school supplies are at the top of your list! Having your favorite type of pens and pencils and those sticky notes that are just so nice to write on is an investment in you. Also making sure you have some type of calendar always in front of you so you can mark down class times, online help with professors, or club Zoom meetings! Having the supplies that make you feel comfortable will really help feel you more at ease

4. Keeping up with friends

Now in this mainly virtual world, we need friends more than ever to help us get through these trying times. Although you’re not on campus hanging with friends, Facetime and Zoom are great alternatives! Set up times where you and your friends are free and go online and catch up! By keeping in touch with one another, you won’t feel all alone. Also if you’re able to, befriend some online kids too! If you guys are in the same Zoom class and are in a breakout room together, don’t be shy to ask for their phone number or Snapchat to get to know them better. 

5. Managing time for you

Although it’s fairly easy to just dive into work and just don’t stop till dinner time, you need to remember that you deserve a break! I have spoken with a lot of online students and they have said that when they don’t have anything to do and they’re at home, they feel as though they aren’t being productive enough. Well i am here to tell you that that’s not a bad thing! If you are all done with what you need to do, don’t be shy to put some Netflix on and relax! It’s great to remember that you are allowed to recharge your batteries. Do some yoga, bake some cookies, read a book. Whatever calms and refreshes you do it! Don’t forget your hobbies just because now that you’re home and doing work at the same time.  

6. Put your phone AWAY. 

It’s really easy to be on Zoom, barely paying attention and scrolling through your For You page, but please don’t! Put your phone away and make sure to keep notes and pay attention. Just cause you’re in your comfy chair doesn’t mean it’s time to relax, it’s time to work! By putting your phone away and keeping your eyes on your computer and work, you’ll be so much more productive! 


This past year, everyone has had to change up their ways of life. And throwing college into the mix may seem insane. But by staying true to your motivations and keeping yourself on track, you will fly by this semester!

Hello there! I am Yalines Medrano and I am a Forensic Science major at Lasell University with the class of 2024. I am from Peabody, Massachusetts and I love to read, watch anime, and hang out with friends! I am so excited to be involved in HER Campus!