Lasell college had a not so booming performance in sports this past week. Lasell volleyball played against Plymouth Sate University Tuesday night. Lasell had a tough fight against Plymouth, falling short in all 3 sets. Lasell started off strong in each set, but their defense fell apart mid-way through each set causing them to lose focus and Plymouth to squeak by for the win. Stand out Lasell players included Odina Ellis and Taylor Tiezzi. Ellis played offense and had nine kills, and Taylor had 15 assists.
Switching over to Lasell field hockey. Lasell took on Salve Regina Tuesday at home. The game started off quickly with Salve scoring two goals, but Lasell’s Marissa Gagnon, and Cailin Flannery were able to brush by Salve’s defense to post one goal for Lasell. After halftime, Lasell’s defense could not withstand the power of Salve’s offense. Salve concluded the game with a 6-3 win over the Lasell.
Lastly, Lasell women’s soccer faced off against UMass Dartmouth on Wednesday. UMass played a fantastic offensive and defensive game. After the first and second halves of countless attempts to score, neither team could break each others defense. The game went into over time. In the final minutes, UMass was able to score, defeating Lasell 1-0.
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