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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Wondering what to get the special woman in your life for Valentine’s Day? Typically, the gifts that show you care are the ones anyone would want to receive. Thinking through the gift is the hardest step. What would this woman appreciate the most? After asking for input around campus, I gathered a handful of ideas and grouped them into general categories below:

The Traditional: This idea is for the lovers of the traditional: roses, wine, or chocolates. The best way to give this gift is by adding something special to it. For example, a framed photo or a handwritten note can be just the perfect touch.

The Glam: Jewelry is another classic choice that can be meaningful, if chosen with the recipient in mind. Remember the “T as in Troy?” necklace from High School Musical

The Huggable: This idea is for the women with touch as their love language. The huggable gifts include stuffed animals, sweatshirts, or fuzzy blankets. These options give the receiver something to hold when she misses you!

The Foodie: Another way to show someone that you listen and care is by getting them their favorite food. This could be anything from taking them to their favorite restaurant to buying them a bag of their favorite snack. 

The Crafty: Last on the list is perhaps the least expensive, but the most meaningful: something homemade. Something like making your own card shows that time and effort were put into the gift, which conveys an extra layer of appreciation to the recipient. 

Whether or not you have a significant other this Valentine’s Day, remember to celebrate yourself (or your friends). It doesn’t have to be with gifts, though the ideas above are good go-tos! Instead, taking a self-care day or even eating your favorite meal can be a way of giving yourself some love this Valentine’s Day.

I am a junior majoring in Fashion Merchandising and Management.