Would you like a safe walk to campus and back? Then the right place to call is the Laurier Brantford Foot Patrol. LB Foot Patrol is a volunteer-driven, safe-walk program and is available every day of the week after 6:30 pm. Not only are they building a safe community, they also help new students to get to know their way around the campus if they opt for a walk. They are also the only club that provides a safe walk home and the best part is, it’s free!
When you call the Foot Patrol Office, the person on the other side of the phone will assign a pair of students to walk you to and from campus, and sometimes you might get a ride through their Van Program. The students are equipped with radio devices, flashlights and a first aid kit. The Van Program can drive you from home to campus and back. Currently, they have 1 coordinator, 3 executive members and over 50 volunteers.
Kyle Chrishop a third year Criminology student, has been volunteering with the LB Foot Patrol ever since he started university and says, “I’d like to provide a safe space for those who feel uncomfortable, and [working with Foot Patrol] will be beneficial for my career path as a cop”.
To be a Foot Patrol volunteer you need to have a police check and know STARR Format (Situation, Task, Action, Result, Relate.) They are always looking for volunteers, and if interested, apply through the Student Union!
Foot Patrol is open Monday to Thursday from 6:30 pm-1:00 am, and from Friday to Sunday 6:30-11:00pm. Contact them either through the SafeHawk App or call them at 519-751-7875 (PTRL).