When Halloween rolls around, every director flings out the new “Horror Movie of the Year.” If you read that in an announcer’s voice, you did good already! Anyway, don’t be afraid to throw some cash toward seeing a horror movie. It can be a really good horror movie or truly a comedy trying to pass for one but it’s still worth it after the fact. Here’s why:
If you see it with your boyfriend/girlfriend, it’s the perfect excuse to cuddle.
Not that you don’t cuddle already, especially in the movie theatres but your boyfriend can feel like he’s protecting you and if it’s your girlfriend, she can protect and comfort you while you squeal…. Or she might squeal with you and then you can spend hours later arguing and laughing over who squealed more.
You can make memories!
Whether the movie is good or bad, you can talk about it and even a few weeks from then, still talk about it like it happened just yesterday.
Bootlegs never do horror movies justice.
Everyone nowadays wants to watch a movie from their room instead of taking the trip to the movie theatre but between the blurred screen and constant blocking from people walking past the screen, you’re missing the jumps and scares. Not that I’m speaking from experience. *awkward giggle* Plus surround sound makes everything even more terrifying.
You can still scare people afterwards!!
Slight spoiler alert on this one!!! You have been warned. My sister went to go see the Conjuring in theatres after it came out and was absolutely petrified. In the movie, they play hide and seek with a version of echolocation by clapping and there was a ghost that joined in. Like that vocabulary? Echolocation. Anyway, one time when she went into one of the bedrooms that was pitch black dark, and I clapped my hands twice like in the movie and all we hear is a thud and a whine. Apparently, she tried to leap out the room into the light but only her fingertips touched the door way and she nearly cried. this paragraph cannot fully encapsulate the hilarity of that moment. There’s goes that vocabulary again! Pretty sure she didn’t want to look like the lady below.
Last but not least…
There is something about movie theatre popcorn that keeps people running back in the masses. Sometimes, my sister and I make up an excuse to see a movie just because we’re craving movie theatre popcorn.
If you’re not planning your trip to the mall or closest movie theatre right now, I have one more thing to say. You can watch the movie… wait for it… WITH NO COMMERCIALS!!! Everyone hates watching Nightmare Before Christmas and here’s a commercial about Pretty Little Liars cutting it off right before your favorite song. Oh, the AGONY! *wipes tear* Nonetheless, my point is no commercials to cut off the most immense scenes of the movie.
So get out there and catch some horror flicks. Who knows, you might just catch me there. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!