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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Letting go? What is it exactly? Is it good or is it bad? One thing I am sure of is that it is painful. You feel like it’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you. You feel as if every cell of your body is breaking down. You feel frustrated. But you really can’t do anything about it.

At least that’s how I was left feeling after my experience.

Some people say it’s wise and mature, yet some people feel like they are giving up on the other person.

I feel that it is all part of growing up; helping us to become more mature and take that little step forward. We’re not necessarily giving up on the other person, it’s more about giving up on a relationship that for whatever reason just isn’t working for you.  Some relationships don’t work out because you’re just not compatible for each other, or you are both simply not ‘meant to be’.

Letting go doesn’t have to be a negative thing; letting go can be letting in the chance for happiness with a different person. As Carrie Bradshaw stated, “Spring is about fresh, about starting over”. I am sure there are a lot of people who want to know some ways to let go and start over, start fresh, start new and most of all START HAPPY.

1. STOP listening to SAD SONGS – Slow or sad music is bad for your health. So get rid of all the “lovey-dovey” CDs. They definitely make you more depressed and put a lot of stress on your mind, and can even have you reaching for the tissues. Instead, fill your iPod with some new music, which should include only dance numbers. TRUST ME, they always make you happy.

2. Go OUT with your GIRLFRIENDS – Go out clubbing with your girlfriends and have the time of your life. Dude, this is your university life! You definitely don’t want to waste a single moment of it on a guy you thought you were going to be with forever. SERIOUSLY. Go out clubbing, find a new guy and follow in the footsteps of Carley Rae Jepsen – keep dancing until the morning with somebody NEW :)

3. DISTRACTION- Keep yourself busy! Don’t sit with an empty mind, after all, the saying goes “an empty mind is a devil’s workshop”. I’ve certainly found that to be true. 

4. Get RID of anything that reminds you of the relationship – Hide these things somewhere or give them to your best friend to keep for a while. HIDE THEM but DON’T THROW them away! Trust me, you’ll regret throwing them away later on, because those painful memories turn out to be HAPPY memories which you will LEARN from after a while. 

5. HANG THIS PHRASE SOMEWHERE- “Loving myself is letting go”. You let go because someone you love so much has used this to hurt you. YOU WANT BETTER THAN THIS. But before loving someone else, loving yourself is more important.

So girls, let Spring come in and have fun whilst you can!

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