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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

During exams, the library becomes the ‘it’ place to be seen. Unless you are at Terrace after your exam, there is no other acceptable area to flock to. I’ve found that the Edward Boyle library is the place du jour if you are trying to convince your friends that you’re studying, but you are actually feeding your Flappybirds addiction or want to sleep.

As a fresher, the library can be particularly daunting during exams, since you’re surrounded by the older and wiser years (whose exams actually count). So here are a few things to keep in the back of you mind when going through this…

1) It is okay to fall asleep. It is not okay to fall asleep at one of the desks, which is actually visible. If this happens, you may awake to find a Chinese 4th year sending a Snapchat of you. (No, dear reader, this didn’t happen… Yes, it did #guilty).

2) Do not be intimidated by the girl who has not moved from her books for the past three hours. She is not normal; if you need to go outside for some ‘fresh air’, or up to level ‘flirteen’ to get social interaction so you don’t end it all there and then, it’s not a bad thing. That girl is a freak and she is probably on a diet of Powerade and Modafinil. 

3) The stairwell is not private. Although it may feel like a place to gossip about the hot guy sitting two desks diagonally across with the H&M haircut, the odds are that the rest of the stairwell can hear you. That’s all five levels, people. #youhave99problemsandnoweveryoneknowsallofthem

4) Prepare for a battle to try and get a desk. If you choose to arrive at any time between 10am and 11am the ‘desk dilemma’ becomes every man for himself. You may have to split up from your friends to get a space, although this is probably a good thing for work efficiency, so don’t get too upset.

5) Similarly, if you see someone approaching your desk, you must do all that is humanly possible so they are subconsciously repelled away from your sector. Adopt the mentality that they should have arrived earlier, and if they ask if they can sit with you then channel either your inner Mean Girls or Simon Cowell.

6) One final thing to remember is that the exam period will be over soon. No matter how sick of the library you get, remember that you’ll be table dancing in Tequila before you know it, so keep your head down and it will be worth it in the end.

Obviously if you are one of those insanely well focused people who can actually concentrate in your room then this won’t help you or even be relevant. In fact, to you people, why did you even read this far? Probably because you are in your room telling yourself that you’re working… HA.


Eleanor Canham

Image Source:

1) http://michellependergrass.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Spongebob-Procrastination.png

2) http://8tracks.imgix.net/i/000/100/142/sleeping-in-library-12-9380.jpg%3Fq%3D65%26sharp%3D15%26vib%3D10%26fm%3Djpg%26fit%3Dcrop%26w%3D200%26h%3D200

3) http://data2.whicdn.com/images/12746729/tumblr_loxgauC52H1qi85lzo1_500_original.png

4) http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KCPoIsi8m08/0.jpg

5) http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f7/f7a5e5acfc5e88de76b775a8866a1fb2fcf1b64b…