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Your Love Life Sorted: Fresher’s Special!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ll be starting uni as a virgin and I’m worried what people will think if they find out. How will I make any friends without being laughed at?

Think carefully and ask yourself why anyone would laugh at you? You’ve had the decency to respect yourself and your body and wait for the right partner and the right moment – what’s so funny about that? You shouldn’t be embarrassed, you should be proud! Don’t think you’re the only person in this situation either, lots of people start uni as a virgin and it’s not a big deal, yet some people feel the need to lie about who they’ve slept with. Hopefully you’ll realise you don’t have to be ashamed and you should be able to be comfortable being honest with anyone worthy of being your friend.

I’ve found my new flatmates on Facebook and after initially being terrified that I would end up living with weirdos, it turns out they’re actually all really nice people and we seem to get along well over Facebook. In fact, I’ve been getting along really well with one in particular. I’ve seen his Facebook pictures too and I’m really attracted to him, and he’s commented on my pictures giving me a similar impression.  I feel like he’s being quite flirty too, should I go for it?

No! Big no! HUGE NO! Remember the simple but important flatmate rule – just don’t go there! Okay, so maybe very occasionally it can work out but at the moment you don’t even know him properly! Getting to know someone over Facebook is never the same as in person. What’s more, your initial feelings of lust might soon disappear but by then it’ll already too late as you’ll already be living together! Try your hardest to concentrate on becoming friends with him as a flatmate only, and with the rest of your new flatmates, and remember that if anything does happen it won’t just be awkward for you two but for the rest of your flatmates too.

I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for 8months now and we’re very happy together. However, we’re both about to start different universities and I’m really worried that we won’t be able to survive the long-distance.

Long-distance relationships are always a challenge; however, they don’t have to mean the end of a relationship. But if you go into this situation with negative expectations then it is likely the outcome will be just as negative so stop worrying. Instead, concentrate on enjoying your new experience at university and appreciate the special way in which you can share this with your boyfriend. You will both be going through the same thing making it easier to understand how you’re both likely to be feeling and how busy you’ll both be. But thanks to technology, it’s now easier than ever for you both to stay in touch, so ensure you make some time for each other and talk properly over skype or over the phone, texting is just not the same. Uni will hopefully keep you both so occupied you won’t have time to miss each other and trust us when we say that time at uni flies by, so you’ll both be back home together for Christmas before you know it, and being away from each other will make you both appreciate your time together even more.

Image Sources:

1) http://www.yorkvision.co.uk/scene/agony-aunt-answers-11/12/03/2013

2) http://www.owningpink.com/blogs/categories/owning-relationships?page=22