We’re about midway through Fall semester, and even though its been seemingly endless fun, the hype is about to become so much more real because the next few weeks are packed with events. Here’s the lowdown:
1. Pacing Break
The much needed break between the first round of 4 O’Clocks and the rest of the semester. This is the time to refuel, reenergize, and catch up on those Z’s, because the rest of the semester is arguably the most fun few weeks of the year!
2. Halloweek
It’s time to start thinking about costume ideas- Halloweek is coming in hot. Whip out those bunny ears, fake blood and basketball jerseys and get ready for a solid week (the 24th – 31st!!!) of having a great time.
3. LeLaf
This is undoubtedly Lehigh’s yearly peak. The streets are decked out in banners featuring Lafayette roasts, parties are themed around dissing Lafayette, and morale is the highest it’s been all year. The 10 day celly in culminates in the Lehigh-Lafayette football game: a showdown between the two schools with the longest uninterrupted rivalry in the nation. Time to show some school spirit while we put Laf in its place once again.
4. Thanksgiving Break
After LeLaf comes Thanksgiving, a week dedicated to kicking it back with your family and (hopefully) not thinking too much about school. After the events of the past few weeks, you’ll definitely need this time to recuperate, watch football, and eat some quality home-cooked food.
5. Date Party Season
Date parties: essentially a high school semi-formal dance on steroids. These are always such an iconic event every year and the best excuse to get dressed up. They’re a great way to end the year before heading into finals!