Lehigh’s two libraries, Linderman (Lindy) and Fairchild Martindale Library (FML), are usually packed from opening to closing during the exam season. Finding a seat resembles the struggle two animals have over the same piece meat in the wilderness. You see the other person walking towards that one open chair in the Stacks, you walk faster and faster to beat her there, and before you know it you’re practically speed-walking in the middle of the library. But don’t fret, Her Campus Lehigh knows the secrets to both libraries so that you can pass 4 O’Clocks with flying colors.
Linderman Library Rotunda
The first tip is to get to the library bright and early! Wake up early Saturday and Sunday morning so that you beat the rush to get a seat. If you get there even as early as 12 PM, all the seats will be taken up. Plus, if you get there early enough, you won’t have to pounce on the first seat that opens! You’ll have more options to pick an area where you’ll feel comfortable studying. So get a good night’s rest, set your alarm, and be ready right when the library opens with a Starbucks coffee in your hand and your textbooks in tow.
Many people think they know the difference between Lindy and FML. As Lehigh wise-tale goes, Linderman is the talkative, “social” library and FML is the quiet, mainly engineer-based library. However, there are parts of each library that can be considered social or hush-hush. If you have a group project or group study session, consider taking up one of the sound-proof rooms in the top floors of Lindy and FML. They have comfortable cushioned chairs, big table tops for all of your studying tools, and you can even ask the main desk for markers to use on the whiteboard each sound-proof room has. On the other hand, use the Stacks in Linderman or the cubicles in FML if you need some alone time while you study. In these areas, it’s so quiet that you could hear a pen drop, a quality you can’t find in most places on our outwardly social campus.
Fairchild Martindale Library
Lastly, the biggest tip I can offer to any student at Lehigh that’s trying to weave their way through the library system is to just relax. Even if you didn’t get your favorite spot in Lindy or get a cubicle seat in FML, it’s not the end of the world. In past years, I’ve even resorted to studying on the floor for my Eco 1 exam because I spent 20 minutes of precious study time trying to find a seat. No matter where you study, you’ll do just fine on your 4 O’Clocks, as long as you concentrate, take deep breaths, and have confidence that you’re going to do the best that you can possibly can. Good luck and happy studying!!
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