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Sarah Miller

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.



Name:  Sarah Miller

Major: IDEAS—Civil/Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Grade: Senior

Hometown: Bridgewater, MA

Favorite Movie:  The Shawshank Redemption, but then there are the Disney classics…

Best Lehigh Memory:  WAY too many to pick from. All of the times I have spent with my closest friends have truly been memorable- Even something as small as spending an afternoon on the front lawn under the sun. But there is also that time we beat Duke…  like I said… can’t really choose when I have been blessed with such an incredible journey here.

What are you involved in?:  Gryphon Society, Kappa Alpha Theta

How is being a Gryphon/Head Gryphon and why would you suggest apply to be a gryphon? I have done gryphoning since my sophomore year and absolutely love it. I have previously gryphoned in upper cents and M&M and I am now the head gryphon of upper cents. In a word, gryphoning is surprising. Not only have I expanded my friend base here but I have also learned more about myself in the process.  I walk across campus and it never ceases to amaze me just how many people I have met through the Gryphon Society, fellow Gryphons, residents, faculty. It never stops and is always comforting to see a smile directed my way. But ultimately, Gryphoning/Head Gryphoning has challenged me in countless ways, shaping much of who I think I am today. It has made me the best version of myself, without a doubt. If nothing else, those interested should definitely give it a shot because learning about and molding the person you become at college is just as important as learning within a classroom and the Gryphon Society gives you the tools you need to do just that.

Anything left on your Lehigh bucketlist? I think I add more to the list every day, kind of a problem since I only have a few months left. I’ve crossed quite a few off but still have a ways to go, including going to the Bethlehem Star at night

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?: Well two things (both from my mom: “Life is too short to second guess ourselves so go ahead and do what you feel like doing, someone will be there to catch you if you fall” and  “All you can do is be the best person you can be. That is all anyone can ever ask of you, all you could ever ask of yourself, and it is all we should ever want from each other”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? : Hopefully I’m working as a civil engineer or architect somewhere, maybe Boston, San Francisco or Chicago; otherwise I’ve kind of wasted a few years and panic attacks…  But I really see myself doing what I do best–making the most of whatever I’m doing with smile on my face and some quick witted sarcasm.

McKenzie is currently a junior at Lehigh with a double major in International Relations and Spanish with a business minor. She loves being co-president of HC Lehigh and hopes to continue spreading the word about Her Campus all over Lehigh's campus.