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Throwback Thursday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

If you use Instagram or Twitter, the term “Throwback Thursday” should definitely ring a bell.  Whether you have seen #tbt once (or a million times) pretty much everyone knows the deal.  Every Thursday people post pictures or write about old memories that happened “a while ago.”  Mostly it’s just an excuse to put your name over everyone’s social media homepages.  Don’t be ashamed, I can’t say I don’t do the same.

Despite the #tbt phenomenon being worldwide, here at Lehigh we take the theme to a new extreme.  We use Throwback Thursday as an excuse for a themed party.  Most people know that Lehigh University loves its themed parties, so the addition of a new theme makes every student here jump with joy.

Many people may wonder: what do you wear for a Throwback Thursday theme? The answer is: anything.  Anything that reminds you of something that happened in the past, whether it be wearing a tie dye shirt from the 60s, a denim dress/suit from the 90s, or a Gatsby-esque outfit from the 20s, anything goes.  So, because there is room for interpretation, not many people dress the same way.  It is also a great way to start up conversation with people you may not know, and let’s face it, making friends is the best part of college.  Probably the best aspect of this theme though is the music.  Who wouldn’t want to listen and dance to artists like N’Sync, Backstreet Boys, and Britney Spears all night long? If it isn’t clear already, I wish Throwback Thursday would happen twice a week instead of only once.



Picture Source: https://sphotos-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q71/s720x720/1173877_10202070451586674_1264580206_n.jpg