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Total Lehigh Move

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

Meeting random people at parties, I’m like

But then the next day

Saturday mornings when parents on tours see me walking to MoCos, they’re like

Girls getting into frat parties


Boys getting into frat parties

When my friend gets on TRACS and leaves me behind

What I say before I end up in the brown and white

But once I get cited

When my friend asks me if I’m really getting thirds at chicken finger Friday

When I see freshman making out at a party, I’m like

When I’m hung-over (or still drunk) in my 7:55 class

When a freshman tries to take the last cup of grain at a frat party

When my friends from home think I’m an alcoholic for going out 5 nights a week, every week

When my friend posts pics of me on Facebook from the night before, I’m like

Every time I get a 4 o‘clock back, I’m like

After I walk from Campus Square to my room, I’m like

When I get an email my 8:10 was cancelled, I’m like

Then, I’m like

When drunk frat boys are getting a little too touchy, I’m like

I'm Tiel, a sophmore at Lehigh University in the College of Business and Economics. Last year I joined Pi Beta Phi, and I have loved every second of it! On campus I am also involved in GEM, Marketing Club, and the America Reads/America Counts program.