Allegations came to the surface on April 2017, when German news magazine Der Spiegel published a story related to an alleged rape by soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, keeping the alleged victim’s name anonymous. Forward to a year later, and just so recent, Der Spiegel published a front-page article naming the woman behind the rape allegations.
Her name is Kathyrn Mayorga , and she is the woman who has come forward about her story.
Court papers claim that Ronaldo insisted at least two times, while Mayorga refused. After the second attempt, it is claimed Ronaldo raped Mayorga.
“That C.R. turned plaintiff (Kathyrn Mayorga) onto her side and while screaming “no, no, no,” she was sodomized by C.R.”
The alleged rape is said to have happened in the summer of 2009, in a Las Vegas hotel room.
On Friday, hours after the last article published by Der Spiegel, Ronaldo responded in an Instagram Live Video, calling the account as “fake news”, says the sex was “consensual”, and claiming Mayorga acted for publicity.
Here’s the part of the video where Ronaldo responds to the accusation:
Mayorga has remained silent for the past nine years due to an out-of-court settlement with Ronaldo, involving a $375,00 payment. Mayorga told The Sun, the soccer player lawyers feared he could have faced a life sentence over the allegations. However, there is no suggestion of Ronaldo’s lawyers believing there was an aggressive criminal case.
In a recent statement from Mayorga’s attorney, Leslie Stovall, a news conference is set to be for Wednesday. Stovall also speaks for Mayorga saying [Mayorga] hoped to encourage victims to report assaults “no matter how famous, wealthy or powerful they may appear to be.”
Mayorga told Der Spiegel that #MeToo movement inspired her decision to come forward about the alleged attack.
Many people are still anticipating sound and solid truth from Ronaldo’s side.
If you or a loved one is a survivor of assault, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 8000.656. HOPE (4673) or talk to a trained volunteer at