Since returning from winter break, the weather in LA has been pretty inconsistent, with more rainy days than most LA natives can handle. With the continuous downpours, some popular hang out spots like the beaches and Santa Monica are not accessible. However, LA has so many cool, dry places you can bring your friends to while you all wait for the rain to pass! Here are some of the most popular indoor sites:
In LA, there are endless museums that can entertain anyone for hours. One of the most well-known museum is the Broad. Although the line to enter is long, the tickets are completely free! So, definitely worth the wait. As a contemporary art museum, the Broad offers a variety of different arts, each having its own special meaning. One of my personal favorite sculptures was the life sized dinner table and chairs. Oh, and of course the infinity mirrored room – which is called the Souls of Millions of Light Years Away. This 3D room makes the visitor feels as if they are surrounded in a room with a million star constellations and is perfect for taking pictures with your girls!
Hollywood Studio Tours
Although these tours can be a bit pricey, every penny spent is definitely worth it! Whether you want to go on the Celebrity Homes Tour and catch a glimpse of Justin Bieber or Katy Perry’s house, or look inside the Paramount Pictures Studio – you can do it all in LA. A huge hit for both tourists and natives in LA is the Warner Brothers Studio Tour because of its interactive activities. Visitors are taken to several movie sets, sound stages and are even able to recreate famous scenes from shows like Friends and Harry Potter.
Thrift Shopping
Shopping for cute, trendy clothes can be super expensive in LA, but there are so many thrift stores where you can find the same outfits for way less money! Some popular stores are Helping Hand Thrift Shop, Council Thrift Shop, and Wasteland. At all of these shops, stylish, vintage, clothing items and jewelry are there waiting for you go pick it up!
The Getty Center or The Getty Villa
Although both of these sites are considered museums, they offer much more to its visitors than a typical museum does. Both offer unique experiences in the Ancient Rome and Greece world and features the infamous “Getty Bronze” statue. Both sites include gorgeous views that overlook the both the city of Los Angeles and the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Tickets to enter the venues are very affordable and there are many photo ops inside!
Lazy Day in with Movies and Friends
Even though going out and exploring a wonderful city with your closest friends is always a good time, lazy days in can be just as fun, especially with a good movie, blankets, good snacks, and your girls by your side. This is quality bonding time at its finest!