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First Week of College Explained with Kardashian GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

The first week of college is memorable for everyone! It’s so hard to summarize your first week. So, who better to do so than the Kardashians?!

Move-in Day

Moving into your dorm is one of the most exciting parts about your first week at college. And, it’s even better when you have your family come and help, say “See you at Thanksgiving”, and go on endless Target runs to make sure your dorm room is nothing less than perfect. Yet again, I don’t think need 1,000 Tide Pods and a huge jar of almonds. Thanks though mom!

Orientation Sessions

Icebreakers, information, and infinite laughs. That’s what orientation is really like! Not only do you have the opportunity to meet tons of cool people in your major and get to know your campus, but you are also given more information than you know what to do with. The info doesn’t come in waves, it’s a WHOLE overwhelming tsunami.

First Day of School

The first day of school is a whole new kind of new beginning. It’s a huge adjustment. Imagine going to classes and club meetings, finding time to go do homework, meeting new friends?!?! The struggle is too real.

First College Party

Your first college party with your new friends can be SO MUCH FUN! I think Khloe explains it better.

I'm an avid lover of dancing, sushi, and musicals! In five years, I'll either be on Broadway, in your next favorite movie, or teaching!