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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Summer break is music to any student’s ears. It’s a much deserved time to relax and refresh from a year of classes. While summer should be a time to de-stress, many people can fall into an unproductive routine. Here are some tips to have a great summer but still make every day count!

Get a summer job/internship

This is one of the best ways to maintain a routine during the summer. Having a summer job or paid internship will add experience to a resumƩ and some money in your wallet. Unpaid internships are also amazing opportunities to learn and grow in your career!

Set an alarm

Summer is the best time to get some much-needed beauty sleep, especially after semesters full of 8 a.m. classes. This might make someone sleep all day, instead of enjoying summer break to the fullest. Setting an alarm will help keep a schedule even if the alarm is set for 11 a.m. Try to set the alarm a little earlier than you would like, you’ll be thankful in the long run!

Work out

Having set times dedicated to working out will add some productivity to your week. It can be tempting to skip cardio but try and spend time at least 3 days a week to get some exercise. It’s important to take care of your body!

Have hobbies

Whether it’s continuing an old hobby or picking up a new one, hobbies are a great way to use your time productively! They will keep boredom away and spark joy, it’s a win-win. Personally, I love writing and sketching in my free time. Over the school year, I couldn’t do them as often so I’ll catch up on them over the summer!

Make plans ahead of time

It’s easy to fall into boredom if you don’t have plans for the day. Pick a few days in the month and make an agenda for the day. It could be shopping, going to the movies, having a nature day, or anything else you can think of!

Ava Calpino

Wisconsin '22

Ava Calpino is a senior strategic communication major at UW Madison. She previously wrote for LMU's chapter. She loves writing, the environment, and cute animals.
Her Campus LMU