A third of the way into the semester and the school work has definitely picked up. On top of that, it’s already midterm season. As I’m sure we all know, procrastination gets you nowhere and makes you even more stressed out in the long run, even more so now with online learning. Here are a few tips that I utilize to feel more productive so I can avoid procrastinating and energized.
1. Setting goals
Setting goals for myself has made me more motivated to get homework done and check everything off the list. At the end of the day, I also feel so much more accomplished. I usually decide what I am going to do for each class in the morning. Not only do I decide what readings and assignments I will do, but more specifically, what I’m going to do for each task by breaking them down. That way, I don’t spend all day on one assignment. Obviously, this largely depends on individual deadlines.
2. Making the most of every morning
Waking up at around 8 or 9 and using my mornings for some “me time” has helped me feel more energized and ready to start the day with a productive mindset. Instead of waking up 2 minutes before my first Zoom call, I’ll wake up early (but not too early) and do a few other things before I even start to think about my schoolwork. For me, this includes but isn’t limited to cooking and eating a real breakfast, working out, and reading or watching the news.
3. Taking study breaks
This may seem somewhat obvious, but it’s true. I take several breaks to refuel myself throughout the day, in addition to taking breaks for meals. Doing too much work in a small amount of time is mentally exhausting. It can also diminish the quality of your work. I used to not want to take breaks and just get everything done as soon as possible, and it wasn’t beneficial in the long run.
4. Getting out of my room
A change of scenery once in a while helps me a lot. It stimulates my mind and breaks the dullness and monotony of sitting in my room during my Zoom sessions. Instead, I act as if I am on campus and get out of my bedroom as I would get out of my dorm on campus. Usually, I will go to a coffee shop to do schoolwork there and bring a friend along. Sometimes I’ll also go to a park to do some reading!
In the end, these habits have helped me feel productive, energized, motivated, and just more alive overall, especially with online schooling. I hope they can help you as much as they have helped me!