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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Why is it that our closets are filled with clothing, but when the time comes to get dressed, we have absolutely nothing to wear? Since I am totally guilty of this, I’ll share some reasons that I have collected over time as well as some tips that could help as well. 

Impulse buying

Cute items and good sales are very tempting. However, make sure that you shop consciously and meaningfully to avoid overconsumption and the frustration that comes with not knowing what to wear!

Not shopping with outfits in mind 

You’re probably buying pieces you like and not thinking about how you’ll be able to style them with other things you have already. Try thinking about what you could wear with what you buy, or buy a complete outfit. 

Not enough basics 

You should have enough basics (tops and bottoms) and a few printed items, so you can mix and match or layer.

Following trends 

Shopping on trendy sites and buying trendy items can sometimes leave you with minimal outfit choices. You might not even wear these pieces after they’re deemed “not trendy” anymore. 

Style has evolved 
  • If you constantly feel like you can’t dress, you may not relate to your clothing because it is no longer your style. If this is the case, make sure you are able to sell your clothes on platforms like Depop before you go shopping.


  1. Follow outfit inspo accounts on Instagram and Pinterest.
  2. Plan your outfits ahead of time and take photos of them.
  3. If you have a piece of clothing in mind, keep it in your cart for a while until you decide you really need it in your closet, to avoid impulse buying.
Nikki is a senior at LMU from Honolulu, Hawai'i and is majoring in Communications Studies with minors in Journalism and Health and Society. She is also the president of Her Campus LMU.